Patient forms
  • Monterey, California - 2 Via Joaquin 93940
  • Carmel Valley, California - 108 Mid Valley Center 93923
  • (831) 375-2322 | Monterey, California - 2 Via Joaquin
  • (831)574-8252 | Carmel Valley, California - 108 Mid Valley Center

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What sets Dr. Brown and our team apart from other offices? It doesn't matter how much we know until you know we care! We realize that providing excellent dentistry includes caring for our patients with empathy and compassion in making every visit a pain-free, comfortable experience. Dr. Brown's skill and technique are complimented by his team's attention to each patient's individual needs.


Office Locations

2 Via Joaquin
Monterey, CA 93940
MAP & Directions
Call: (831) 375-2322

108 Mid Valley Center
Carmel, CA 93923
Map & Directions
Call: (831) 574-8252